Shaun Spisak Dissertation Defense, 3 PM Remsen Hall 233 (Homewood Campus)

Remsen 233 (Homewood Campus) 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

THE CHEMISTRY-BIOLOGY INTERFACE PROGRAM THESIS SEMINARShaun SpisakAdvisor: Marc Ostermeier“Deep Mutational Scanning of the AAV rep Gene" Friday, October 18, 20243:00 p.m (EST)Remsen Hall 233 Homewood Campusor via Zoom Meeting ID: […]

Chemistry- Biology Interface Program Forum

Remsen 233 (Homewood Campus) 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

3:00 pm- Dr. Greg Bowman "Action and regulation of chromatin remodeling machines"3:30 pm- Emily Helm "Self-Resettable Logic Circuits Enabled by Coupled Transcription and Degradation for Repeated Temporal Signal Response"4:00 pm- […]

Chemistry-Biology Interface Program Forum

WBSB 303 (Big Abel, East Campus) 725 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Maryland, United States

3:00 pm- Dr. Bindu Paul “Neuroprotective roles of the biliverdin reductase/bilirubin axis in the brain.”3:30 pm- Dhane Schmelyun“Characterization of USP27X and its novel inhibitors” 4:15 pm- Dr. Steven RokitaRCR- "Science under […]

Chemistry-Biology Interface Program Forum

WBSB 303 (Big Abel, East Campus) 725 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Maryland, United States

There will be more details on this event, to be announce soon 3:00 pm- Dr. Anthony Leung "PARP and ADP-ribosylation-mediated Biomolecular Condensates: Novel Biology and Therapeutics Opportunities"3:45 pm- Charles Nosal"Trihydroxybenzaldoximes […]

Chemistry-Biology Interface Rotation 2 Talks

WBSB 303 (Big Abel, East Campus) 725 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Chemistry-Biology Interface 1st year students presentations on their second rotation

Chemistry-Biology Interface Program Forum

Remsen 233 (Homewood Campus) 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

3:00 PM- Dr. Rebecca Schulman " Protein Sensing Using Aptamer Regulated Transcription”3:30 PM - Mahmoud Abouelkheir"The role of cholesterol on EGFR ligand binding and phosphorylation"4:30 PM - Dr. Yuan He"Structure […]

Chemistry- Biology Interface Program Forum

WBSB 303 (Big Abel, East Campus) 725 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Maryland, United States

There will be more details on this event, to be announce soon

Chemistry-Biology Interface Rotation 3 Talks

Remsen 233 (Homewood Campus) 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

Chemistry-Biology Interface 1st year students presentations on their third rotation