Students interested in pursuing multidisciplinary research to gain a broad perspective in chemistry and biology are encouraged to apply to the Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) PhD program. The CBI Program spans departments in Johns Hopkins University’s schools of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, and Public Health.

Selected applicants will be asked to visit Johns Hopkins University for an interview on February 28th and March 1st, 2025. The CBI Program will arrange for meetings with faculty and students, and conduct tours of the facilities and community.

Application Instructions

To apply to the CBI Program, you will need to submit:

  • An online application for the chemical biology PhD
  • An unofficial undergraduate transcript
  • Statement of purpose
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation

In addition, the general GRE along with one of the following subject tests are optional but may be submitted:

  • Biochemistry
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Biology
  • Chemistry

Online applications for fall 2025 admission open early September 2024. Please submit all application materials (including letters of recommendation) by January 15th, 2025 to receive full consideration. Applicants interested in the Vivien Thomas Scholars Program must complete their application by December 1, 2023.

Note: Application fees are waived for applications associated with Explore Hopkins, JHU BioREU, SACNAS, ABRCMS, McNair Scholar, Leadership Alliance, UMBC Meyerhoff Program and more. To access the full list to see if you qualify, go to the Krieger Graduate Admission and Enrollment page.

To aid our fall 2024 applicants, we have provided a list of CBI preceptors’ rotation and lab availability during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Additional Application Information

Information about the Graduate Admissions Application Process can be found on the Graduate Admissions website. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact [email protected].

The program is committed to sustaining excellence by fostering a diverse community including underrepresented minority students and students from underserved backgrounds. The program particularly welcomes minority applicants and applicants with disabilities.

Admissions Statistics

For admission statistics, follow this link: Office of Institutional Research page on CBI.

International Applicants

A training grant from the National Institutes of Health provides support for our students during their first year in the graduate program at the Chemistry-Biology Interface. However, the NIH limits this to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. International students who are interested in applying to this program must secure an outside grant or fellowship.

Vivien Thomas PhD Scholars

The Vivien Thomas Scholars Initiative (VTSI) is an endowed fellowship program at Johns Hopkins for STEM PhD students. It provides full tuition, stipend, benefits, targeted mentoring, and professional development. Students who have attended a historically black college and university or other minority serving institution for undergraduate study are eligible.

There is no additional application. To be considered for the VTSI, all components of the PhD application, including supplemental components, special VSTI questions, and letters of recommendation must be completed by December 1, 2023, even if the program deadline is later.

VTSI 2022 Cohort
VTSI 2022 Cohort

Relocation Funds for Incoming Graduate Students

We recognize that it can be financially burdensome to relocate to a new city to attend a Ph.D. program. Students who are accepted to Ph.D. programs at JHU can apply to receive a $1500 need-based grant to offset the costs of relocating to JHU.

These grants provide funding to a portion of incoming students who, without this money, may otherwise not be able to afford to relocate to JHU for their Ph.D. program.

This is not a merit-based grant. Applications will be evaluated solely based on financial need.

More information can be found on the Provost’s website.