Graduate students are guaranteed full tuition remission and are provided with health insurance (if needed). Current funding levels can be found in the Graduate Student Handbook.

Upon completion of their Teaching Assistantships, students in their second and subsequent years normally receive 12-month support in the form of research assistantships, provided normal progress is made towards a degree. Normal progress is defined as meeting course requirements and grade expectations, as well as establishing a research assistantship with a faculty research group. Full tuition remission and health insurance are also normally provided.

Graduate students are also provided with health insurance coverage. As a full-time student, you must either participate in the University plan or sign a waiver indicating you have health insurance coverage comparable to the University plan. Details about the student health plan offered by the University can be found on the Registrar’s Office website.

Extramural graduate fellowships have been awarded to students from the National Science Foundation, the American Association of University Women, and other sources. Students may be eligible for NRSA training awards. Students are encouraged to consult with their advisors about applying for these awards. Graduate students also have access to GrantForward, a database that allows both students and faculty to search for external funding. An account can be set up with a valid Hopkins email. Yin Jiang ([email protected]), Remsen 333, is available to assist in identifying extramural support.