Isabel Uribe Dissertation Defense, 1 PM, Bloomberg School of Public Health (W4030)

THE CHEMISTRY-BIOLOGY INTERFACE PROGRAM THESIS SEMINARIsabel Rose UribeAdvisor: Anthony Leung“Exploring ADP-ribosylation Forms Using Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Methods" Wednesday, September 18, 20241:00 p.m (EST)615 N. Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21205 Bloomberg School of Public Health: Room W4030or via Zoom Reception: 3 pm EST in Room W8017

Chemistry- Biology Interface Program Forum

Remsen 233 (Homewood Campus) 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

3:00 pm - Dr. Sarah Woodson "TBA"3:30 pm - Cameron Goff "Probing the Origins of Collateral Fitness Effectsof Mutations"4:15 pm - Dr. Kalina HristovaRCR- "Authorship and peer review"

Shaun Spisak Dissertation Defense, 3 PM Remsen Hall 233 (Homewood Campus)

Remsen 233 (Homewood Campus) 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

THE CHEMISTRY-BIOLOGY INTERFACE PROGRAM THESIS SEMINARShaun SpisakAdvisor: Marc Ostermeier“Deep Mutational Scanning of the AAV rep Gene" Friday, October 18, 20243:00 p.m (EST)Remsen Hall 233 Homewood Campusor via Zoom Meeting ID: 939 3980 6823 Passcode: 187106

Chemistry- Biology Interface Program Forum

Remsen 233 (Homewood Campus) 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

3:00 pm- Dr. Greg Bowman "Action and regulation of chromatin remodeling machines"3:30 pm- Emily Helm "Self-Resettable Logic Circuits Enabled by Coupled Transcription and Degradation for Repeated Temporal Signal Response"4:00 pm- Dr. Anthony Leung "CBI PhD Journey Mapping"

Chemistry-Biology Interface Program Forum

WBSB 303 (Big Abel, East Campus) 725 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Maryland, United States

3:00 pm- Dr. Bindu Paul “Neuroprotective roles of the biliverdin reductase/bilirubin axis in the brain.”3:30 pm- Dhane Schmelyun“Characterization of USP27X and its novel inhibitors” 4:15 pm- Dr. Steven RokitaRCR- "Science under Pressure"

Chemistry-Biology Interface Program Forum

WBSB 303 (Big Abel, East Campus) 725 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Maryland, United States

There will be more details on this event, to be announce soon 3:00 pm- Dr. Anthony Leung "PARP and ADP-ribosylation-mediated Biomolecular Condensates: Novel Biology and Therapeutics Opportunities"3:45 pm- Charles Nosal"Trihydroxybenzaldoximes are redox cycling inhibitors of ThDP-dependent DXP synthase"4:30 pm- Roshni Rao (Imagine Center for Integrative Learning and Life Design)"TBA"

Chemistry-Biology Interface Rotation 2 Talks

WBSB 303 (Big Abel, East Campus) 725 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Chemistry-Biology Interface 1st year students presentations on their second rotation

Chemistry- Biology Interface Program Forum

WBSB 303 (Big Abel, East Campus) 725 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Maryland, United States

There will be more details on this event, to be announce soon